GL events UK has seen a steady increase in companies using temporary structures to either activate their brands at festivals, or to position themselves in front of a festival audience.
This is a growing trend and one which specifically benefits temporary structure companies, as well as wider infrastructure businesses, such as GL events. Inevitably, an activation needs a high-quality space to allow the brand to create an experience, be it experiential, retail, or both.
One of the most visible examples of this has been the partnership with Live Nation, working collaboratively with Co-op Food to create supermarket retail outlets across a number of its festivals. The partnership has seen GL events create the infrastructures at Download and Latitude festivals, and represents the first branded supermarket to enter the UK festival scene.
The activation from Live Nation and Co-op has taken this wider trend and extended it to meet the needs of the UK festival market and its visitors. Stock is tailored to the specific audiences that attend each festival and the unit takes on a more rustic look in keeping with the outdoor environment, whilst still showing off the Co-op’s stores in the best light.
GL events has long tracked the move to premium in many outdoor events, and is seeing more and more festivals looking to source high quality infrastructure, specifically around hospitality areas, but also through their brand relationships – a fully functional supermarket is just one example of this. Each of the units had chiller areas, checkout tills, recycling areas, and even an in-house DJ at some events.
For GL events UK, this is a great partnership between organiser, brand and infrastructure support, that creates a rewarding experience for the visitor.
Images by Sportcel
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